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2016年04月27日 01:21:44 Kaylee | Hey Justin! This is my first time on your website. I really like it! I’ve been working on living a more simple life as well. I’m afraid I hae17Rvn;t made as much progress as you have, but it’s a work in progress. You are completely right on so much of this! Thanks! |
2016年04月26日 16:20:37 Jaylan | "...hit up the anti-gun range or go to an anti-gun shioq&.uwt;Thos sounds a lot like my plan to visit a non-dairy someday and see where they don't keep the cows. |
2016年04月26日 06:18:05 Karik | Well done arcltie that. I'll make sure to use it wisely. |
2009年02月25日 18:51:35 dddd | 学习再学习 |
2009年02月24日 16:34:44 night | good afternoon! |